This classic confection makes for a great creamy treat with traditional aesthetics, and it’s coming soon to a 7-Eleven near you!
Ice cream company Häagen-Dazs is scooping up success after success in Japan, coming out with scintillating sweet shakes, sorbet fusions and stuffed ice cream sandwiches.
Occasionally they bring out a product in an especially beloved line called ‘Japonais‘, which celebrates all the understated and artistic flavors you’ll find in a wagashi-ya, or traditional Japanese sweet store. Previous instalments include 2015’s Chestnut Red Bean, 2016’s Black Syrup Kinako Red Bean and Walnut Black Syrup Red Bean and 2017’s Double Matcha Condensed Milk with Black Syrup.
Japanese azuki, or sweet red beans, star prominently in most native sweets you can name. Seeing how they were conspicuously absent in last year’s offering, it’s great to see them make a comeback, this time sandwiched between two other de-facto flavors: matcha green tea and kuromitsu black syrup (also known as brown sugar syrup).
🎵🎶🎵予告🎶🎵🎶 『ジャポネ 抹茶あずき黒蜜』が9月11日より全国のセブン-イレブンで新発売✨ 人気の和素材“抹茶”“小豆”“黒蜜”を組み合わせたアイスクリームデザートです💕 ジャポネファンの方も、まだジャポネを食べたこと……
ハーゲンダッツ (@Haagen_Dazs_JP) September 03, 2018
According to the press release the Matcha Azuki Kuromitsu cup will comprise of two flavors of ice cream. First, a flavorful milk ice cream lightly accented with chunky red beans; second, a striking green tea ice cream drizzled in high-quality brown sugar syrup. The mild milk flavor soothes any bitterness from the matcha green tea, while the smooth syrup and grainy texture from the beans provides a texture contrast you won’t soon forget.
To sample this dainty delicacy you’ll have to visit your local 7-Eleven convenience store, who will stock the ice cream from September 11. It retails at a suggested price of 370 yen (US$3.30) so gather your pocket change and get out there and grab a cup! If you just can’t wait until they release, remember there’s plenty of yummy Western storybook flavors to experience as well.
Source, featured image: Haagen Dazs
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