
lunes, 22 de julio de 2019

Free treatment for Kyoto Animation arson burn victims offered by Japan’s leading cosmetic surgeon

https://ift.tt/2JIGCFV SoraNews24

Doctor offered similar philanthropy following previous national disaster.

Cosmetic surgery is often derided as a frivolous, or even vain, use of medical science. Those receiving treatment aren’t always celebrities trying to fight the effects of aging so that they can stay in front of the cameras for a few extra years, though.

For those who have suffered disfiguring accidents or been the victims of such violence, that physical scarring can be a daily reminder of the most emotionally painful moment of their lives, whether when they see it themselves or notice reactions from other people. Cosmetic and reconstructive surgery for such patients isn’t about inflating their sense of self-worth by making them look better than other people, but about simply trying to restore as much normalcy to their lives as can be done.

So in the wake of the shocking arson attack on anime production company Kyoto Animation’s Fushimi Ward studio, one fan reached out to Katsuya Takasu, Japan’s most prominent cosmetic surgeon.

“Doctor Takasu! Is there anything you can do for Kyoto Animation? The violent acts of a single person has taken away the lives of so many creators. This is unforgivable.

I know it’s selfish of me to ask, but please, help them.”

Takasu promptly responded with

“I’ll do whatever I can. What can I do?”

Another Twitter user proposed offering free consultations to survivors of the attack, which was a nice suggestion, but one that wasn’t actually necessary, as Takasu replied with:

“I already have a standing policy of not charging for consultations. In addition, I have never accepted payment when treating the victims of tragic circumstances.”

A follow-up tweet from Takasu implies that he’s willing to extend that generosity to Kyoto Animation burn victims.

“If any of the victims come to me for consultation, I will do all I can to treat them. Healing others is my purpose in this life, for as long as it will be. I hope to be able to meet with the survivors of the attack.”

As alluded to in his tweets, this isn’t the first time Takasu has offered his services, free of charge, to innocent victims. Following the Hanshin earthquake of 1995, which severely damaged Kobe and other parts of central Japan, Takasu also performed free cosmetic and reconstructive procedures for survivors.

Aside from his skill as a cosmetic surgeon, Takasu is also known for his quirky sense of humor in Japan. Intentionally, he attracted far less favorable attention a few years ago for comments in which he denied the authenticity of reports of atrocities committed by the Japanese Imperial Army in Nanjing and by the Nazis at Auschwitz. Takasu is far less likely to attract controversy with his latest tweets, however, and hopefully his offer will provide some solace to survivors of the arson attack, whose fallen coworkers are to be remembered with a memorial park, if Kyoto Animation’s president’s plan goes through.

Source: Twitter/@katsuyatakasu via Kinisoku, Global Voices
Top image: Pakutaso
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