
viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Japan’s Camoufla-view products help you slack off with your smartphone in secret!

https://ift.tt/2OZvkws Shannon McNaught

No more suffering through those long and boring meetings…until someone recognizes what you’re holding.

Japan is well-known for its crazy work culture. The end of the fiscal year prompts an insane amount of overtime work. A female politician was recently kicked out of a meeting for using cough drops. Karoshi, or death from overwork, is a term that originated in Japan. The nation’s work culture also mandates extensive meetings…except no one actually enjoys them.

That’s where TVer, a free television program streaming service, comes in. In commemoration of Japan’s Labor Thanksgiving on November 23, TVer announced a new product that gives you more opportunities to enjoy their streaming service whenever and wherever you are. This is Camoufla-view, a series of studious-looking objects that include a smartphone-sized space.

▼ The lineup includes the Camoufla-view Book, Camoufla-view Binder, and Camoufla-view Newspaper. Each product includes a set of earphones made to look like actual ears.

You could try to get away with this in school, but you might get funny looks for reading a newspaper in the classroom. We’d advise that you start out by trying to get away with slacking off with Camoufla-view products in a more appropriate situation like a business meeting.

Want to see what it looks like in action? TVer made a hilarious advertisement.

The ad starts off with a shot of a typical corporate meeting.

▼ Yep, seems pretty productive (and boring).

Then we see a super productive member of the meeting. He looks like he’s got his act together.

▼ You can’t really argue with someone reading a book titled The Practice of Innovation.

But is he really reading such a serious book during a meeting?

▼ Surprise! It’s something much more interesting than innovation.

Suddenly, he perks up.

▼ “That must be a really inspiring book,” his coworkers are no doubt thinking.

While he’s safe from being found out by coworkers sitting to his left and right, he neglects to watch out behind him. When a female coworker comes by with tea and discovers The Practice of Innovation, she flips her tray of hot green tea in surprise.

▼ It looks like the fun’s over now.

If Camoufla-view seems like the right product for you, remember to use the little discretion you have left to choose viewing content that’s safe for work.

TVer is running a prize campaign until November 25. You can win one of three Camoufla-view Books, one of three Camoufla-view Binders, or one of three Camoufla-view Newspapers by following @TVer_official on Twitter and tweeting them a message with the tag #サボるテク (saboru teku, or “slacking off technique”). If you’re a winner, you’ll be contacted by someone from TVer (prizes will be sent to winners sometime in December).

If you’re wondering where you can actually buy this product, we have some bad news for you – you can’t. It seems to be a bit of a joke product. If you want one, you’ll have to try your luck with the lottery campaign. Otherwise, watch the advertisement and enjoy a good laugh!

Source:  Net Lab
Images: PR Times, YouTube/TVer official

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