
miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2023

Why go to Tokyo Game Show 2023, when it can come to you as a VR game itself?

https://ift.tt/1YDvW3u Master Blaster

Finally, I can attend a convention in my underwear and not be asked to leave.

It’s time once more for one of Asia’s largest game conventions to open its doors and give us all a peek at what’s in store for the coming year. However, for many, it can be hard to get all the way to Makuhari Messe in Chiba Prefecture to enjoy all that the Tokyo Game Show has to offer.

If you’re also in that boat, we have great news in the form of a Tokyo Game Show VR 2023, which allows anyone to visit the virtual booths of top game producers from the comfort of their own home. From 21 September to 1 October, anyone can join the virtual game show on their computer, smartphone, or VR device and see the latest game info in the world of floating game islands.

In the center of it all, the Game Tree Theater stands. This is where guests can view the trailers as well as some live performances with added virtual effects.

▼ And no one’s here to kick the back of my seat in the Game Tree!

But most of the fun at TGSVR2023 can be had on the surrounding game islands. There are 12 in total with each island being run by a participating exhibitor such as Capcom, Square Enix, Konami, Sega, Koei, Bandai Namco, Magic: The Gathering, and more.

Each island has its own terrain, inhabitants, and content placed there by its associated company. In that sense, they’re like magical booths that you can explore every inch of without getting asked to leave by security.

In fact, exploration is the name of the game convention, and guests are asked to try to access as much of the islands as possible and collect avatars that can cast spells that gain entry to certain areas.

While exploring there is also a “Stamp Rally” in which videos are watched and virtual photos are taken to advance the plot and complete quests. A secret reward awaits those who finish a certain number of quests.

▼ I think I would be strangely happy if the reward was just a screen saying, “Thank you for playing!”

So, the Tokyo Game Show has fittingly become a whole game in itself. and it doesn’t even cost a penny to play. However, if you don’t have the time, an elite squad of VTubers has also signed up as livestreaming ambassadors of the event.

▼ From left to right: Kagami Hayato, Shu Yamino, and the Omega Sisters

You can check out the official website to see the system requirements and instructions to join for your preferred device. Be sure to stop by, and if you see someone being escorted out by virtual security, don’t forget to say hi. I’m sure I’ll find a way…

Images ©Tokyo Game Show VR 2023
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