Akihabara eatery gives edible/drinkable salute to the newest Final Fantasy.
The recent release of Final Fantasy XVI isn’t just an exciting event for gamers, but for foodies too. That’s because developer Square Enix has a permanent cafe in Tokyo, the Square Enix Cafe, which rotates through seasonal salutes to the company’s most popular titles, and so naturally right now it’s Final Fantasy XVI that’s getting a slew of themed food, drinks, and souvenirs at the Akihabara neighborhood eatery.
— sqex_cafe (@sqex_cafe) June 21, 2023
コラボメニューはもちろん、 #スクエニカフェ 先行グッズもお取り扱い中です
『#FF』シリーズ最新作、ぜひお楽しみくださいhttps://t.co/NNAFdjiJDU pic.twitter.com/RZIiVNrRGG
Step inside, and you’ll see artwork from the latest installment in Square Enix’s flagship franchise covering the walls and scenes from the game playing on monitors. Some of those visuals will be your to take home with you, as in keeping with Japanese video game/anime cafe tradition, you get a special coasters and placemats when ordering items from the menu.
▼ The four placemat designs (one given at random for each food order) feature beautiful pieces of key art.
▼ And the 18 coasters, given randomly for drink orders, with the game’s eight Eikons…
▼ …eight humans…
▼ …and two Torgals (because who’s going to complain about a double-dose of Torgal?).
— sqex_cafe (@sqex_cafe) June 27, 2023
おはようございます!#スクエニカフェ まもなくオープンです
『 #FF16 』コラボ開催中
≪ ロザリア公国風 特製シチュー≫はチキンや玉ねぎなどをじっくり煮込んだ特製クリームシチューです
So what’s on the Final Fantasy XVI menu? For food, there’s the Rosaria Stew, which has chicken, onion and potato, but NO carrots, since the duchy’s Dominant, Joshua, doesn’t care for them…
…the Sanbreque Rich Tea Chiffon Cake, served with fruit, cream, and a dusting of matcha green tea powder…
…the Waloed Seafood Pasta, bathed in the darkness of squid ink to resemble the darkness of its Eikon, Odin…
…the Dhalmekian Oasis Cajun Chicken, with spices, garlic, and dazzlingly blue seaweed noodles to evoke the color of pure water in the desert…
…Iron Kingdom Volcanic Curry, in which you’ll find beef but not, if its looks are anything to go be, not even a trace of mercy for those who can7t handle spicy foods…
…and the Torgal Purin Parfait, with a black sesame pudding base and a pawprint marshmallow.
▼ The Torgal parfait is 850 yen (US$6.30), while the other food items range from 1,280 to 1,400 yen.
The drinks, meanwhile, are based on the Eikons.
▼ Fiery Eikons Phoenix and Ifrit (energy drink base)
▼ Ice Eikon Shiva (mint)
▼ Lightning Eikon Ramuh (blackcurrant and thunderbolt candy)
▼ Wind Eikon Garuda (minty gin and tonic-like non-alcoholic cocktail)
▼ Earth Eikon Titan (café au lait, chocolate cookie pieces, and boba tapioca)
▼ Light Eikon Bahamut (flavor undisclosed, but styled on the dragon’s Megaflare breath attack)
▼ And last, Darkness Eikon Odin (grape and blueberry)
All of the Eikon drinks are priced at 900 yen, except for the Phoenix/Ifrit, which is 1,100 yen. And while the food items above are for eat-in customers only, the drinks are also available at the cafe’s takeout counter.
▼ And yes, takeout customers get coasters too.
— sqex_cafe (@sqex_cafe) June 26, 2023
おはようございます!#スクエニカフェ まもなくオープンです
『 #FF16 』コラボ開催中
トルガル店長は≪ 召喚獣合戦 ~フェニックス VS イフリート~≫が気になるご様子…︎
The Square Enix Tokyo Final Fantasy 16 event is going on now, and continues until July 7.
Restaurant information
Square Enix Cafe Tokyo / スクウェア・エニックス カフェ東京
Address: Tokyo-to, Chiyoda-ku, Kanda Sakumacho 1-6-1 (entrance inside Akihabara Tozai Jiyu Tsutro pedestrian walkway)
Open 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
Source, images: Square Enix Cafe Tokyo
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