
lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2019

Butt wing angel panties from Japan give us a lot to think about【Photos】

https://ift.tt/34FeJqo Casey Baseel

Posterior pictures present a linguistic dilemma.

As a bureau of bilingual professionals, we at SoraNews24 like to think of ourselves as being fiercely devoted to linguistic integrity. Therefore, we present these photos strictly for the purpose of fostering an intellectual debate on the proper use of religious folklore terms and their associated iconography.

Japanese novelty retailer Village Vanguard has begun taking pre-orders for two new lingerie sets. First up is the Angel Sexy Lingerie One-Piece.

With its pure-white color scheme and graceful feathery wings at the back, I think most of us can agree that the garment looks sufficiently seraphic to be called “angel lingerie.” However, as mentioned above, the Angel Sexy Lingerie One-Piece is being sold as part of a bundle, which also comes with a pair of panties, which look like this.

As you can clearly see, the Angel Lingerie panties have a pair of cherubic wings springing from the hindquarters. Angels, however, aren’t traditionally portrayed as having butt wings, and so the question now becomes this: If an angel-like creature does have butt wings, is it still an angel, or an entirely different species of pretty-posterior pixie?

Moving along (but don’t worry, we’ll come back to butts soon), we next have Village Vanguard’s Fallen Angel Sexy Lingerie One-Piece.

One again, the nightgown checks out linguistically. A typical angel’s wings, but tainted with a figurative and literal darkness, is the most recognizable depiction of a fallen angel. But, as promised, let’s take a look at the Fallen Angel panties…

…where once again, we see wings springing from the butt. What’s more, these bat-like appendages are clearly devil wings, but fallen angels aren’t devils, they’re angels who were cast out of heaven, so these undergarments now have two breaks with traditional fallen angel imagery.

▼ The sets also include chokers and stockings, though these could be worn just as easily by angels/fallen angels as by butt pixies/booty devils.

Given the complexity, and importance, of this debate, it would clearly be irresponsible for us to render a hasty verdict as to whether or not these panties are truly angelic in nature. We’re also curious as to what Japan’s Butt Master model would have to say, but in the meantime, should you and/or your less-than-fully-clothed-fun-times partner be interested in conducting further research in order to help you arrive at your own personal truth regarding the matter, both sets can be ordered through Village Vanguard’s online store (Angel here, Fallen Angel here), priced at 5,280 yen (US$49) and with shipping scheduled for late December/early January.

Source, images: PR Times
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