
domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2019

Trouble with stalkers? Japanese moving company offers discount to musicians trying to escape fans

https://ift.tt/2OEQxxt Casey Baseel

Multiple music-related scenarios earn band members cheaper bills.

Car ownership rates are low in Japan, and the cars people do own tend to be on the small side. Because of that, if you’re moving you probably need to pay for a professional moving service, but there are ways to lower the cost.

For example, the last time my wife and I moved, we saved a ton of cash by moving on a weekday morning, since there was a discount for off-peak hours when the moving staff were usually sitting around idle. But Japanese Twitter user @pickon103 recently shared a photo of a flyer for a moving company that offers a much more unexpected deal: a discount for customers who are in a band.

“Discount for band musicians,” the flyer for Aichi Prefecture’s Maruta Unso moving company announces, before laying out a number of scenarios such clients might be looking to relocate:
● Fans have figured out your address
● You want to slip out of town in a hurry without your talent agency’s president noticing
● You want your musical instruments handled by movers who know how to take proper care of them
● You think your lover is going to stab you soon
● You’d rather be spending money on new instruments than expensive movers
● You want a moving company that can work with your nocturnal lifestyle

OK, those all sound like understandable reasons to be looking for a new place to live, but why specifically offer this accommodation to musicians? Because, as the flyer goes on to reveal:

“Our driver is a band member himself, so he understands how you feel! Let us put your mind at ease!”

▼ The full version of the flyer, with Cat Mover saying, “It’s tough making music!”

While there seems to be a bit of a tongue-in-cheek tone to the advertisement (it’s got a cartoon cat hauling boxes on it, after all), the discount offer appears genuine, and is no doubt a big help to those who need to take advantage of it. Given some of the stalking incidents that have happened in Japan in recent years that involved musicians who aren’t at the filthy-rich level of show biz success, odds are there are more than a few would-be recording stars out there who’re famous enough to have a mentally unbalanced fan or two, but not famous enough that they don’t have to worry about money, and this is the sort of help they’ll definitely appreciate.

Related: Maruta Unso
Source: Twitter/@pickon103 via Jin

Top image: Pakutaso
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