
lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2018

Happy New Year from SoraNews24!

http://bit.ly/2GPYQ90 SoraNews24

Is anyone else craving pork cutlets and tonkotsu ramen?

Japan’s position near the International Date Line means that not only does New Year’s come early to the SoraNews24 office, so does New Year’s Vacation!

Today, we’re making like the staff of a certain ramen restaurant and taking the day to relax and spend time with friends and family. Whether you’re ringing in 2018 partying the night away, traveling, getting up bright and early to watch 2019’s first sunrise, or just having a video game grudge match at home, we wish you and yours all the very best.

Have a happy Year of the Boar (hopefully without getting attacked by one), and thank you all so much for visiting our site over the last 12 months. We can’t wait to bring you more interesting and exciting stories in the 12 to come!

Photo ©SoraNews24

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