
sábado, 20 de agosto de 2022

Our reporter buys a tiny kiddie pool from Daiso, has entirely too much fun with it

https://ift.tt/GaAQUqZ Dale Roll

Look, it’s really hot out, okay?

Summer is upon us in full force, and we’ll do what it takes to stay cool. Luckily, we don’t have to spend a lot of money to do that, because our favorite 100-yen store, Daiso, sells kiddie pools every summer! Our Japanese-language reporter and resident Daiso tester Go Hatori looks forward to this time every year.

This year’s kiddie pool had a picture of a smiling kid playing in it on the box, so it was clearly meant for kids…but Go thought that could be false advertising. After all, nothing is truly just for kids. Adults could probably use it, too…right?

43-year-old Go was willing to try it so you don’t have to.

The pool was the plastic blow-up kind, so Go sat down on his living room floor and set about blowing it up.

Next, he filled it with water…

Then put on his best swimwear and stepped in.

▼ Splunk!

It was the perfect size!

There was plenty of room. He could actually fit about half his body in there (if he curled up).

“Feels great!”

Perfect for lounging…

Great for bathing!

And excellent for hair flips!

In fact, Go might’ve had a little too much fun with the hair flips…

▼ What must his neighbors have thought?

“This pool is totally not just for kids!” Go cried.

“This is the best!”

Well, there you have Go’s expert testimony: Daiso’s 700 yen (US$5.19) kiddie pool offers plenty of entertainment for adults as well as kids. If you’re still burning up this summer, this is a great option to help you cool down!

If you feel like you just might not fit in one, though, Go has plenty of other expert tips for keeping cool in summer. Why not try a shower with somen, or make your own shaved ice using things found at Daiso?

Honestly, is there anything Daiso doesn’t sell? One of these days they’ll be selling Scoons…oh wait, they already do!

Images © SoraNews24
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