
miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2022

Japanese burger chain adds mochi sticky rice to its moon-viewing sandwiches

https://ift.tt/8TJqUWQ Oona McGee

Fast food chain throws caution to the wind by adding a deadly ingredient to its menu.

Japanese burger chain First Kitchen has a long history in Japan, serving up fast food that’s arguably a little more attuned to local tastes than some of the overseas chains.

Now, to celebrate the 45th year since its founding in 1977, First Kitchen is celebrating with a couple of limited-edition burgers that present a new twist on the chain’s signature Bacon and Egg Burger.

▼ The first new item is the Umami Tartar Bacon Egg Burger, priced at 680 yen (US$4.91).

First Kitchen is adding a new “Umami Sauce” to the original tartar sauce on its regular Bacon and Egg Burger, which is said to be packed with fruit juice, including the juice from apples, pears, lemons, as well as the addition of sesame and onions.

This combination of sauces is designed to pair perfectly with the meat and vegetables, and the fried egg, which sits in the centre as the star of the show.

▼ The second new item is the Bacon Mocchi Burger, also priced at 680 yen

This second offering is the most surprising of the two, as it contains something that looks like a fried egg, but it’s actually a round of fried mochi. Mochi is the sticky rice cake that’s known to asphyxiate people around the New Year holidays, when they’re customarily eaten, but there’s no mention made of that here.

You’ll want to be sure to chew the mochi well before swallowing, not only to save yourself from the risk of choking, but to enjoy the flavour of bonito and kelp soup stock, which it’s been soaked in before frying.

According to First Kitchen, this is a limited-time hamburger that offers “the taste of a new sensation you’ve never eaten before”, and the respective burgers, with their round egg and round mochi, are being presented as the chain’s version of the Tsukimi (“Moon Viewing”) burgers popular during moon-viewing season around this time of year.

Both burgers will be on the menu for a limited time at First Kitchens nationwide from 8 September.

Source, images: PR Times 
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