
domingo, 27 de mayo de 2018

Osaka Prefectural Police posters are so awesome they make us want to enlist

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J Koh Ruide

From recruitment ads to safety reminders, the folks in Osaka sure know how to strike the right chord.

Aside from keeping the streets of Japan’s second largest city safe, the Osaka Prefectural Police is also known to create some of the most highly effective recruitment posters, making clever use of powerful words, exciting pictures, and playful humor to stir the hearts of people.

Their long-standing tradition of making unique posters has continued to this day, with some people even looking forward to see just what their next creation will be. And as always, their exceptional enlistment advertisements never fail to disappoint.

“To the outstanding youth standing over there, stop hiding and come out now.”

“Even if you cannot transform, you can still become an ally of justice.”

“It’s not as cool as you thought. It’s tougher and more demanding than you thought.
But in order to protect citizens, you go all out.”

“A desirable personality.”

Cool as they are, not all of the Osaka Prefectural Police’s posters are about recruitment; some are simple messages about protecting residents from crime. And what better way to illustrate the point than with anime characters?

▼ This girl here reminds people to bring their motorcycle keys and
bags with them, apply handle and U-locks, and register their vehicles.

▼ This one reminds you to remove all belongings from your car before leaving.

▼ Sometimes the police even collaborate with virtual songstress
Hatsune Miku to educate residents about password safety…

▼ …and Detective Conan about anti-crime buzzers.

Hats off to the capable Osaka Prefectural Police for not only keeping the city safe from elderly modern-day ninjas, but entertaining residents with interesting crime prevention messages as well. So where do we sign up?

Source: Naver Matome
Featured image: Twitter/@Una_Nikki

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