
domingo, 27 de marzo de 2022

Japan’s supply of Zima runs dry, online resellers take over and jack up prices

https://ift.tt/Of081DZ Master Blaster

Zomething expenzive.

A couple months ago we reported on the closure of Molson Coors Japan, the company responsible for supplying the country with the alcoholic beverage Zima. Although the last shipments of the clear wine cooler alternative went out in December of 2021, there was still ample enough stock for them to remain on the market for some time.

There was also a hint of hope that some other distributor could be found in time so that the flow of Zima into Japan would not be disrupted. However, by late March it would appear that all flavors in both bottles and cans appear to have been sold out on the Zima Store Amazon page, with no sign of more coming in sight.

▼ Little did Mr. Sato know last November, that this was the last Zima he would ever have

As is often the case when a popular product goes off the market, online resellers started posting them on auction sites and flea market apps at increased prices. On Japan’s popular flea market app Mercari, there are numerous accounts selling bottles and cans of Zima with an average price of roughly 500 yen (US$4.11) a bottle, which is about twice as much as the retail price was.

It’s still early, however, and as the resale supply also begins to shrink we can expect prices to go up further, assuming there’s enough demand between now and whenever those drinks expire. Some accounts appear to be anticipating a rush and are already selling at hugely inflated prices, such as a set of four bottles for 9,999 yen (US$82).

What’s interesting about all this is that I never knew it was legal for people to sell alcohol over a flea market app without some sort of license. According to Mercari’s guidelines, individuals are permitted to sell alcohol as long as it’s a one-time deal.

In other words, people who acquired alcohol with the intention of personal use, but who no longer wish to consume it themselves are allowed to sell it. However, if a person is found to sell alcohol repeatedly, especially of the same type like Zima, then they are considered a liquor retailer and are required to have the proper license to sell through the app.

▼ I do like that sign though… Man, I got to stay away from these apps.

So perhaps that one person selling four bottles for nearly 10,000 yen is playing it smart, since they won’t get many chances to sell this way. It’s also a sign that any Zima lovers in Japan aching for one last taste may want to act now, before it becomes worth its weight in clear, effervescent gold.

Source: Amazon/Zima Store, Zima, J-Cast Trend
Photos ©SoraNews24
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