
domingo, 3 de febrero de 2019

Ladybeard makes a comeback as Aquabeard, unshaven fearsome protector of the deep

http://instagr.am/p/BtLe9vKAngr/media/?size=l Koh Ruide

Why isn’t this guy in the movie?

It’s been a while since we last heard of Ladybeard, the hairy Australian man who regularly cosplays as female characters in Japan. In between dishing out heavy metal performances and lifting weights, he has also been busy endorsing Japanese products and modeling some fashion brands.

Yet even for a versatile cosplayer like Ladybeard, there are some attire and styles he has not tried before. A recent Instagram post by him revealed his first foray into the world of male cosplay as underwater superhero Aquaman.

▼ Now that is one awesome outfit, Aquabeard.

Instagram Photo

▼ Ladybeard’s visage would give Aquaman‘s
original actor Jason Momoa a run for his money.

With his shaggy hair down and his forehead creased in concentration, the usually fun-loving crossdressing Ladybeard cuts a magnificent figure in a scale suit and matching trident. As expected of an Aquaman who hails from the land down under.

▼ As majestic as his poses are, this one of him swimming takes the cake.

Instagram Photo

Aquabeard might be his first male cosplay, but Japanese netizens are already swooning over his masculinity:

“That is so cool!”
“I want to see more uploads.”
“This is too beautiful for words.”
“You’re going to get more fans with this one.”
“I feel like I can look at you forever.”

We agree! Ladybeard looks good no matter what kind of cosplay he’s doing. In fact, we’d be willing to bet that Ladybeard would have landed the role of Aquaman if he’d only auditioned, given his ample experience of kicking ass in front of cameras in costume.

Source: Instagram/ladybeard_japan via IT media
Featured image: Instagram/ladybeard_japan

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